Galleries of Current Work


Galleries of Work Previously Shown in

Robert Casley

Robert Casley

Robert's jewellery range can be seen in one gallery here - Click to view.
Please call us to send you a phone photo of the various stones we have in stock - the colours all vary enormously, which is the charm of his work.

They can be categorised by the following overall tones and colouring:

The setting for all pieces is silver plate. To keep it looking good, polish with a plain soft cloth. Experience has shown it may not be best to wear in the shower, during fitness training! - or for 24 hours a day.

Notes about the jewellery sizes:

To buy, call 01736 793411 or email


About Robert

Robert has been mastering the technique of working the famous Serpentine stone from The Lizard over the last 20 years and now produces a range of unique and beautiful jewellery.

Robert draws on generations of experience: his father and grandfather both worked in serpentine. While his grandfather was also a painter, his father began commercial work in turned serpentine pieces. Robert has evolved these skills into the delicate world of jewellery.

We are delighted that Robert has allowed us to offer his work here in St Ives and you may find that this type of work is almost unique – we know of no other supplier of Cornish Serpentine jewellery.

A really special memory of your visit here and a piece of the wildest part of Cornwall to take home – while you can: Serpentine is only found on the Lizard peninsular and is becoming increasingly rare. Robert has a personal supply: his father quarried his serpentine over the last 50 or 60 years. Now, quarrying serpentine is strictly restricted by license and supplies are decreasing. The knowledge of how to turn serpentine is also becoming lost.

Enjoy this special traditional Lizard Serpentine jewellery while it is still possible to find it.

Click to see Robert Casley's Jewellery Collection at imagianation.