We are so happy to be offering a wide range of Lamorna Penrose work at Imagianation in St Ives.
We have originals of waves, surfers, lovers, surfboard and the whole range of her prints.
See the Gallery showing our Lamorna Penrose Collection. Press play to enjoy a
slideshow and hover the mouse over the image when you want to see details and prices.
Close the Gallery or change the browser tab to return here to place your order.
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About Lamorna
Born in 1974, Lamorna Penrose grew up amongst artists in rural Cornwall. From a very
early age, she felt an instinctive need to draw and paint.
In 1993 she studied at Falmouth College of Art, specialising in fashion and textiles and gaining a distinction. After a period
in London gaining a degree in theatre and costume at Wimbledon School of Art, as well as
working with international film and television companies, she returned to Cornwall.
She found the landscape and pace of life had such an impact on her work that she
decided to devote all her working energies to painting, here in the south west, where
its surrounding waters and the quality of light give her work such a distinctive character.
Lamorna also still likes to indulge from time to time in painting the figure. Her costume and nude
figure drawings are full of passion and the work of a true draftsman.
Her work is vibrant, strong and stylish.
Unique Surfboard !
a corner of Lamorna's studio