Galleries of Current Work


Galleries of Work Previously Shown in

Kit Johns - 2015 St Ives Archives!

Kit Johns Gallery

We have several of Kit's works in the gallery today - Click to view.
Please check with us as work may be sold at any moment

To buy, call 07779 224461 or email

About Kit

Kit Johns is a Cornish artist in his early 20's with an original and distinctive talent; capturing the energy and essence of wild seas and skies. These landscapes are contemporary and yet timeless: light illuminating waves; spray streaming – and you feel yourself right by the breaking waves, in the “Last breath of Light” or the “Last of the Summer Sun”.

Kit’s expressive painting involves many experimental techniques: mixing media, using inks, acrylic, oils, sand, pebbles; working on board, canvas, paper and driftwood. His studio is at the Lizard, the most Southerly point of the UK. He walks the rugged coastline daily, armed with brushes and paints; collecting driftwood; all sorts of flotsam and jetsam. Kit’s imagination and an experimentation back in the studio produce fresh and exciting paintings to treasure.

Kit’s paintings have such a great feeling of atmosphere, wild weather; sunsets and sunrises; fleeting moments caught in paint. Such fine work at age 22 promises a rich and wonderful career ahead.

Kit's work is already in private collections in the UK, States and Europe.  We also now have a collection of his beautifully produced prints: images of wild Cornwall to keep.