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Izumi Omori - archival 2014 page

Izumi Omori

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About Izumi

Izumi is Japanese but has been living in Cornwall for over 15 years. She expresses the emotions we feel about nature, bringing them to life before our eyes.

People feel love and beauty from her pictures – which is not surprising, as she uses wonderful natural and organic materials mixed in her paint, and she paints in a state of open-ness to the spiritual guidance that we can all find if we listen to our inner voice. Izumi uses pure water from the local spring at Sancreed, said to have healing powers, to mix with her paint, as well as ground sea shells to give texture.
Izumi is a qualified Reiki healer so there are many subtle energies that emanate from her work.

Izumi studied at the foot of Mount Fuji and makes the most of her Japanese influences as she reacts to and expresses the beauty of West Cornwall. "Japanese delicacy with Cornish strength" has been said about her!

Izumi lets the pictures develop as they wish in their own time, so every picture becomes a living thing that speaks to our hearts and minds in its own language.

Here is a glimpse into Izumi's studio...

Yvonne at Work